John Lewis & Partners Virtual Services
We’ve been with you every step of the way for 155 years. Which is why we’ve been exploring how to keep bringing you the services you know and love, at home, as well as new ways to get inspired.
Think expert live talks from specialist Partners, virtual appointments, interactive masterclasses and more – live in your home.
With this in mind we have launched the following virtual services :
Virtual Nursery Advice
Parents-to-be, we’re here to get you prepared for your new arrival. One of our Nursery advisors will answer your questions and find the right products for your child.
Virtual Home Design
Our Home Design Stylists are here to show you how to make the most of your space, or finally tackle that interior project you’ve been thinking about.
Virtual Personal Styling
Our Stylists are on hand to help you make the most of your wardrobe and identify the key pieces you’re missing.
Our Partners in Leeds are also available for any advice in store but for more information on our online services please visit https://www.johnlewis.com/our-servic es